Step 7. In this Step, I’ll show you how to produce more volume and variety from all your processes. You could double output from the same resources, with minimal capital spend. This is how you reduce unit costs, lower sales prices, and increase profits from your ‘Elite’ improvement program. Follow my lead. Do it yourself. All the information is here. And if you do hit a problem, you can contact me for free.Check out the Table of Contents inside this book. Or check out the single Omnibus edition, with all 14 Steps in one volume, to see the full route map.Even if you think the future for your business processes is to automate, if you don’t get them working at ‘Elite’ levels before you do this, you’ll still operate at a sub-optimal level. You’ve got to simplify before you automate to get the best solution. And that’s where I come in.This series of books is like looking over my shoulder as, step by step, I transform a pharma manufacturing company in Australia and its people from ordinary to 'Elite'. That means where their performance, financial success and reputation are such that other people and businesses in the same market sector want to emulate them. They Beat the Competition!I’ve done it for many years, with companies large and small, in different sectors, all over the world. I'll give you lots of examples and insider tips along the way to make sure you have the best chance of success. It takes some effort and courage to get there, but it's not rocket science. So, go for it - and enjoy the journey.